OT: Katherine Hepburn, Dead at 96
(too old to reply)
2003-06-29 22:55:58 UTC
Brady says...
Report: Katherine Hepburn dies
Hollywood icon was 96
Crap. The last great movie star and one of my heros dies.


Come to the Hoosierland!
Hoosierland Salutes David Letterman

"When I think I've partied too much, I remember Keith Richards is still
--Bill Hicks
Tom Cronin
2003-06-29 23:06:12 UTC
<< From Traci >>
<< Crap. The last great movie star and one of my heros dies. >>

Here's hoping we see some great tributes to her in the coming weeks, and
that'll inspire folks to hit the movie stores looking for "Philadelphia Story,"
"Woman of the Year," and her other eight-gazillion awesome starring roles.
Nobody commanded the screen like she.


"It's such a fine line between stupid... and clever."
---David St. Hubbins, "This Is Spinal Tap," 1984
2003-06-29 23:47:48 UTC
Tom Cronin says...
Post by Tom Cronin
Here's hoping we see some great tributes to her in the coming weeks, and
that'll inspire folks to hit the movie stores looking for "Philadelphia Story,"
"Woman of the Year," and her other eight-gazillion awesome starring roles.
Nobody commanded the screen like she.

I hope Spencer Tracy was waiting for her.

Come to the Hoosierland!
Hoosierland Salutes David Letterman

"When I think I've partied too much, I remember Keith Richards is still
--Bill Hicks
2003-06-29 23:52:54 UTC
Here's hoping we see some great tributes to her in the coming weeks, and>>
Larry King not more than a week and a half ago had her neice on for "the full
hour" just talking about her, doing impressions of her and showing clips of
her. I didn't quite understand why at the time but I guess I do now.

They can just rerun that show at some point in the next few days.

Maybe...it's kinda spooky!
2003-06-30 00:33:34 UTC
Post by Maybeso320
Here's hoping we see some great tributes to her in the coming weeks, and>>
Larry King not more than a week and a half ago had her neice on for "the full
hour" just talking about her, doing impressions of her and showing clips of
her. I didn't quite understand why at the time but I guess I do now.
They can just rerun that show at some point in the next few days.
Maybe...it's kinda spooky!
I just read in another newsgroup that that rerun is scheduled for this evening.
That it was already scheduled for tonight, before the news. This person also
said that Kate's niece commented on how "she was in quite good health
considering her age ... and quite 'with it'."

2003-06-30 01:40:23 UTC
Well, it really was a good show so if you get the cable and you get the CNN
you can stand watching Larry King for an hour, it is worth watching.
I just watched a few minutes of it and was surprised to see that Hepburn's
niece, Katharine Houghton, is the woman who played her daughter in "Guess Who's
Coming to Dinner." I had no idea. She's still quite lovely.

2003-06-30 02:01:24 UTC
KarenKelly says...
Post by KarenKelly
I just watched a few minutes of it and was surprised to see that Hepburn's
niece, Katharine Houghton, is the woman who played her daughter in "Guess Who's
Coming to Dinner." I had no idea. She's still quite lovely.
It was a great show, although I would have liked to have seen more
clips. Still, it was comforting to listen to all the stories and realize
Ms. Hepburn was the amazing woman I always believed her to be. Truly the
greatest American actress. No one will ever compare.

Traci - quite sad this evening
Come to the Hoosierland!
Hoosierland Salutes David Letterman

"When I think I've partied too much, I remember Keith Richards is still
--Bill Hicks
2003-06-30 02:36:19 UTC
This has been quite a year for passings. More and more, I'm growing to believe
that it's not so much when our time here is finished as when our time is
required elsewhere that determines our departure.
The "song of life" that Katharine Hepburn was so intent on listening to is
playing on into eternity.
2003-06-30 04:40:41 UTC
Post by AliotoGeorge7
This has been quite a year for passings. More and more, I'm growing to believe
that it's not so much when our time here is finished as when our time is
required elsewhere that determines our departure.
The "song of life" that Katharine Hepburn was so intent on listening to is
playing on into eternity.
Hepburn was quite the bitch. I saw her in an interview and she was an up her
self old cow.

Dave Sikula
2003-07-01 00:21:50 UTC
Post by Kath
Hepburn was quite the bitch. I saw her in an interview and she was an up her
self old cow.
As probably the only person in this group who ever actually met
Hepburn, I have to disagree. She was gracious and charming, in a
situation where she could have completely blown off a couple of dumb
college kids.

--Dake Sikula
Tom Cronin
2003-07-01 05:05:46 UTC
<< From dsikula >>
<< As probably the only person in this group who ever actually met Hepburn, I
have to disagree. >>

I can imagine how THAT went...

"Ms. Hepburn?"

"Yes, young man?"

"I saw your performance this evening, and I just have to say... it was
horrible. Awful, awful, awful. If I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have vomited
all over myself. They shouldn't have given you a SAG card, let alone four
Academy Awards."

"Why, thank you for your honest opinion."

"No problem."


"It's such a fine line between stupid... and clever."
---David St. Hubbins, "This Is Spinal Tap," 1984
Dave Sikula
2003-07-01 20:37:08 UTC
Post by Tom Cronin
"Why, thank you for your honest opinion."
"No problem."
Close, but no cigar.

It was back in about 1980, and Hepburn was appearing in a truly
terrible play called "The West Side Waltz," written by the same hump
who wrote "On Golden Pond" (a play and movie I deeply and truly
loathe). It was a pre-Broadway run at the Ahmanson Theatre in Los

I can't remember how we found out, but my friend Tricia and I learned
that Hepburn left the theatre through a door in the garage, rather
than through the stage door, and went immediately to her waiting car
and driver.

We suffered through the show, and at the curtain, armed with a lovely
bouquet, we hustled down to the garage to where there was, indeed, a
car waiting.

Moments later, Ms. Hepburn herself appeared, and we presented her with
the flowers, which she graciously accepted. We tried to think of a
few things to say, other than, <dumb guy voice> "Uh, we really like
you and think you're a good actor." We managed to do so, and she
spent a few minutes accepting our plaudits and not being too annoyed
at these two idiots. Basically, we told her how wonderful she and the
play were (the latter being a bald-faced lie), and probably mentioned,
that we, too, were actors.

I'm disappointed that I don't remember more of the encounter, but,
regardless, she was extremely nice.

--Dave Sikula ("But don't get me started on how I -just- missed
meeting Laurence Olivier.")
Pat Fleet
2003-06-30 03:31:14 UTC
Katherine Hepburn dies. Hollywood icon was 96.
Did Ms. Hepburn have any appearances with Dave over the years? Donz?
2003-06-30 03:35:59 UTC
Pat and JC asked if KH had ever appeared on Dave.

Pat Fleet
2003-06-30 11:48:15 UTC
Christopher Reeve on The Late Show (May 12, 1998)
BTW, those interesting Hepburn comments are at the end of a long Reeve LS
transcript. The whole thing is an excellent interview by Dave. A good dark
week read.
LETTERMAN: Your self-definition has not changed.
REEVE: In my entire life in the three years since I've been injured I've never
once had a dream where I'm disabled. My subconscious still says, "No, you're a
whole man and you're going to be back together again."
Virginia Lee
2003-06-30 22:08:09 UTC
I just checked CNN's site and Larry King is having a tribute show on
tonight (9:00 - 10:00 EST) for Katharine Hepburn. The show is scheduled
to include the following people: Robert Wagner, Katharine's brother Dr.
Robert Hepburn, Ann Miller, Richard Chamberlain, Katharine's great-niece
Schuyler Grant. It should be worth taping if you're a classic movie fan
/ buff fans.

Penny Lee
Report: Katherine Hepburn dies
Hollywood icon was 96
Tom Cronin
2003-06-30 22:48:32 UTC
<< From Virginia Lee >>
<< I just checked CNN's site and Larry King is having a tribute show on tonight
(9:00 - 10:00 EST) for Katharine Hepburn. The show is scheduled to include the
following people: Robert Wagner, Katharine's brother Dr. Robert Hepburn, Ann
Miller, Richard Chamberlain, Katharine's great-niece Schuyler Grant. >>

Larry will probably just ask them all what they think about the Laci Peterson
murder case.


"It's such a fine line between stupid... and clever."
---David St. Hubbins, "This Is Spinal Tap," 1984
2003-07-03 01:55:11 UTC
I think I can beat your story, Dave: I once got my picture taken with
John Stamos at a car show.
Trumped again, dammit!
Can I raise you with my Michael Caine, Neil Simon, and Walter Matthau
If not, I'll throw in Jose Ferrer and Rosemary Clooney at no additional
Can you throw in a Bob Hope? Surely you've met Mr. Hope? I mean you're his #1
fan, right?

I could throw in my Roy (of Siegfried and Roy) story ... and, of course,
Christopher Walken's cat for good measure.

2003-07-03 02:11:47 UTC
Post by KarenKelly
I could throw in my Roy (of Siegfried and Roy) story ...
Er, I once had a brief chat with former Senator Howell Heflin. You may remember
him from such confirmation hearings as 'Clarence Thomas: Road to the Supreme
Court.' (Heflin to Professor Anita Hill: "Ah you uh scawwwned woman?")

(I don't think that's anything.)

2003-07-03 07:17:22 UTC
Subject: Re: OT: Katherine Hepburn, Dead at 96
Date: 7/2/2003 6:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Can you throw in a Bob Hope? Surely you've met Mr. Hope? I mean you're his #1
fan, right?
Sad to say, I've never met Bob.

I did see James Stewart at the premiere of "That's Entertainment 2," though.
He was standing in front of the theatre and I was driving by.

And the wife met Jimmy Carter at the White House in 1980.

--Dave Sikula ("I got a million of these")
"Those who like this sort of thing will find this is the sort of thing they
like." --Abraham Lincoln
Tom Cronin
2003-07-03 02:18:26 UTC
<< From klynch4296 >>
<< I once walked by Larry King as he was sitting on a stoop on my street,
wearing a baseball jacket, having his picture taken for his next book jacket. I
paid no respects and handed him no floss ... as all knowledgable, nonchalant,
jaded NY'ers are taught to do. >>

We once had lunch with Denzel Washington and his family at the Hamburger Hamlet
in West Hollywood. Of course, they were sitting at a different table, in a
different part of the restaurant, and Denzel didn't acknowledge us in any

...but we had a lovely time, regardless.


"It's such a fine line between stupid... and clever."
---David St. Hubbins, "This Is Spinal Tap," 1984
2003-07-03 02:39:10 UTC
I met Jay Leno backstage after his performance here at the Embassy
Theater, circa 1989. My friend John and I brought small bags of
Doritos, which he autographed for us.

Nyah! ;p


These tabs look iffy - you say they're good
Let's roll with the homeys - knock on wood
2003-07-03 15:38:28 UTC
Well, I wasn't going to post this, but, heck, why not?
When I was 12, I spent a couple of weeks with Bill Cosby while he was
shooting the movie, "To All My Friends On Shore" here in Norwalk (1970 I
think). All we did between shots (I was an 'extra' along with other kids) was
play football, then Bill would do a scene, then play football, then do another
scene, then would come back many times looking for the football. It just wore
me out. Also, in our scene we had to play basketball over and over until the
shot was right.
One day, I brought a little spiro note pad and my autograph book (already
had the Cowsills, Tiny Tim, and my teachers in it). Bill signed the 50 page
pad, then gave it back to me,and told me to hand out the autographs to the kids
around him. Then he wanted the football.
See, being 12 and only a few of us older kids (10-14) in this movie, the
younger kids got more attention. What I mean was that Bill would have the
young kids on "his team". The rest of us on the other team. When the ball was
hike (in a parking lot of a boat dock too), hundreds of litle kids running
toward you to get the chance to catch one of quarterback Cosby's throws. I was
like well, you take that hundred, and I'll take this hundred, and so on. Bill
had a lot of energy. I also met Clarence (Mod Squad) William III's wife(I
can't remember her name now, sorry) in the same film. We tried to jump up and
down in the trailer window to see who was in there, and someone told us to stop
it. she then came out to say hello to us, of course, she got tons of questions
asking about "Link".
In 1996, I had to spend the day in NYC with my son during the filming of
Ice Storm (1997). I spent a little time with Christina Ricci during breaks.
She was working with my son in a band scene (which is so short in the movie,
and it took 6 hours to do it). she told me about a few child actors that she
spent time with, very entertaining stuff.
Besides a few times meeting Dave, I also met Little Richard, Davy
Jones/Micky Dolenz of the Monkees last year, the Captain and Tenille (at Epcot
Center in 1991).
Pat Fleet
2003-07-03 20:11:11 UTC
Besides a few times meeting Dave...
Excuse me? Would you like to elaborate on this, Nek?
2003-07-03 20:47:52 UTC
Pat, let me say it like this, I've seen Dave a few times. I did meet him on
the show March 15, 1991. We've talked about this before. Dave signed my Top
Ten book which was signed by Meg P. before I went to the program (that was done
as a gift from my friend's dad, who was working with Meg.
I've seen Dave a few times here in my area over the years. At a
supermarket, video store, jogging, and one time, I think, riding a motorcycle
passed me. I'm still not sure if this was him, it kind of shocked me at the
time. I tried to ask others if he owned a motorcycle, but no one knew for
sure. That show on June 17th proved that he can ride one, but I'm still not
sure about my situation. All these things happenned years ago too.
Many, many times my kids and I were going to either soccer games, ice
hockey games or baseball games traveling back and forth from Norwalk to New
Canaan or Wilton or Ridgefield. so, I really do not want to get into details
because some of the stories are personal and good ones. I did share a few to
the DaveCon folks. I just don't want everyone to know everything. Dave is
private, likes to talk about certain subjects, but does not like to talk about
the show. That is about all I will say about my encounters. I never bothered
I know folks (co-workers) who would get his attention. They would tell him
things like to be careful while jogging on a certain busy road. Dave would be
polite and keep jogging. You have to let him enjoy his time alone. The
stories about Dave being rude in New York State (jogging) are probably because
the folks there are bothering him.
If Dave was my neighbor, I'd probably wouldn't be no different than my
current neighbors. If he needed a favor, I would do it, if I could. If not, I
would tell him the same.
I know what it is like to be in a store and someone recognizes your voice
(my radio show). They want to ask you a million things.
Even pumping gas was hard for me back in the 90's because of our local cable
access show was on TV for about 5 years. Folks can't help but ask if you are
on that certain show. So I understand what Dave must have to go through at
But, I do enjoy his humor. He makes me laugh. Especially when I was in
the hospital a while back, it was the best medicine you can have at the time.
Post by Pat Fleet
Besides a few times meeting Dave...
Excuse me? Would you like to elaborate on this, Nek?
Lucy Pfeffa
2003-07-04 01:50:17 UTC
If he needed a favor, I would do it, if I could. <<
Would you fetch him a glass of tea when he nearly slices off his pinky? Would
you take him for a drive when he nearly slices off his index finger?

-- Lucy, with a new yardstick for measuring neighborliness

Alan Page
2003-07-03 03:56:42 UTC
"Traci (Fleet On My Mind)" wrote...
I met Soupy Sails while in NYC in 1985.
Any relation to Soupy Sales?


What a Wonderful Web We Weave
2003-07-03 12:26:46 UTC
Post by Alan Page
"Traci (Fleet On My Mind)" wrote...
I met Soupy Sails while in NYC in 1985.
Any relation to Soupy Sales?
Is Soupy Sales still alive? I had the biggest crush on him when I was
four...oh...let me take this question to another thread.
Tom Cronin
2003-07-03 02:21:59 UTC
<< From klynch4296 >>
<< True, true. I just can't decide if I'm more simpatico with you or Mr. Cronin
or Mr. Hits4U? In any case, it's a win-win-win situation for me. >>

Brady's a putz. MoreHits is a spazz.

Come home to papa, baby.


"It's such a fine line between stupid... and clever."
---David St. Hubbins, "This Is Spinal Tap," 1984
2003-07-03 02:24:54 UTC
Post by Tom Cronin
Brady's a putz.
OK, I take back that whole 'if I were gay I might have a crush on Mr. Cronin'

Tom Cronin
2003-07-03 02:36:25 UTC
<< From waterclock >>
<< OK, I take back that whole 'if I were gay I might have a crush on Mr.
Cronin' thing. >>



"It's such a fine line between stupid... and clever."
---David St. Hubbins, "This Is Spinal Tap," 1984
2003-07-03 02:22:26 UTC
Post by Tom Cronin
(Karen and I really are simpatico.)
True, true. I just can't decide if I'm more simpatico with you or Mr. Cronin
Mr. Hits4U? In any case, it's a win-win-win situation for me.
Ya know, I've said before that if I were gay, I might have a crush on Mr.

2003-07-03 02:30:02 UTC
I've got you all beat.
I met Soupy Sails while in NYC in 1985.
Anabella Sciorra once stopped me on the corner of 57th Street and 7th Avenue
and asked me what time it was. I told her. She thanked me and crossed the

2003-07-03 03:26:37 UTC
Post by KarenKelly
Anabella Sciorra once stopped me on the corner of 57th Street and 7th Avenue
and asked me what time it was. I told her. She thanked me and crossed the
street. >>

I was sitting in what I thought were the worst seats in the Universal
Amphitheater to see Dave at the Comedy Store's 15th year reunion show. I
didn't even know there was a live band on the stage until Dave who was kind of
hosting part of the time came out and thanked the band!.

Anyway, the stairwell/aisle I was sitting next to led to the backstage door
where are all the happenings were happening with the special guests who had to
pass me in order to get to the door.

About three quarters through the proceedings, there was kind of a break and all
of a sudden I see Little Richard walking up the stairs. But then I got
distracted when I saw Dave was about to come out again and introduce someone.
I could tell Dave was about to come out because I had a great view of the off
stage area where the stage manager cued Dave and the rest of the talent when it
was time to go on stage.

So I saw Dave standing there about to go out and got my handy binoculars back
out and focused them on Dave.

I had forgotten all about Little Richard coming up the stairs! Then, the next
thing I know, I feel this hand on my shoulder. I look over and it is Little
Richard! He said, who is he introducing? I said I don't know but it is Dave
doing the introducing and Dave is the only one I'm worried about!

Little Richard said, well, let me wait a minute to see. Dave introduced the
guy and Little Richard said oh, I don't know him so I'm going to the party or
words to that effect. And I said, okay, have fun!

No one in my section paid attention to the person on stage, they all wanted to
know what Little Richard said!

Maybe...who probably was the only one not paying attention to him coming up the
Lucy Pfeffa
2003-07-03 03:53:30 UTC
Dustin Hoffman stuck his head into my psychedelic Volkswagen and said, "You
have no idea how good it is to see a McCarthy poster in this town!."

It was1968, the Republican convention was about to start in Miami Beach.
Hoffman was there to film the Miami scenes of Midnight Cowboy (which, BTW, has
an early Zevon song in it). My friend and I found the hotel where he was
staying, but when we actually saw him, we panicked and started to leave. (We
were 19, for gosh sakes!) Of course, being a part-time hippie, I had peace
sign decals stuck all over my Beetle. And a Gene McCarthy for Prez. bumper
sticker. So he let us know how glad he was we weren't Republicans, too.

Anyone up for some Writers' Embellishment?

-- Lucy
Edgar Allenpoe
2003-07-03 22:25:21 UTC
If not, I'll throw in Jose Ferrer and Rosemary Clooney at no additional
I'll throw in LInda Eder. Have met Marv Albert a couple of times, Leno
at 30 Rock .
Evander Holyfield in a Vegas mall two nights before the infamous fight.
I spent an after-concert evening with Robin Williams (post-death of
John Belushi, pre-release of World According To Garp). As could be
expected after almost two hours of manic comedy he was relatively
quiet and low-key.

And after he made a cameo appearance on LN, I found myself right
behind Roger Ebert as we both walked back to our cars.